I'm implementing a Signal/Slot framework, and got to the point that I want it to be thread-safe. I already had a lot of support from the Boost mailing-list, but since this is not really boost-related, I'll ask my pending question here. boost - Safe Cross Thread Signals/Slot C++ - Stack Overflow It seem that the only implementation that provide Safe Cross-Thread Signals for both the Signal class and what's being called in the slot is QT. c++ - Boost: what exactly is not threadsafe in Boost.Signals ...
boost的signal和solt机制使用入门 - doon的专栏 - CSDN博客
Signal and Slots - kjellkod - Google Sites Signal and slots is a concept developed from Qt. It is basically a generalized ... the much more advanced and feature rich Boost signals and my own KSignals ( version 2) .... and I have not planned to make the next KSignal version threadsafe . fgl::signal, a fast, multi-signature C++17 signal library (v0.1.0 ... Unlike sigc++ and boost::signals, the fgl::signal class template can handle ... I always thought that signal/slot system as in Qt was surpassed by events (in .... It is called "Thread-safe Observer Pattern: You're doing it wrong", but ... Yassi: Yet Another Signal/Slot Implementation - CodeProject
Systém pro přenos HD obrazu Lightbridge použitý u Phantomu 4 Pro využívá TDM (Time Division Multiplexing – mutiplex s časovým dělením) pro přenos signálu, což umožňuje odesílat řidicí signály a přijímat video signál na stejné frekvenci.
However, it is always safe to access a different connection object in another thread, even if it references the same underlying signal-slot connection. scoped_connection public construct/copy/destruct Class connection - 1.46.1 - boost.org
c++ - Boost: what exactly is not threadsafe in Boost.Signals ...
Qt's meta-object system provides the signals and slots mechanism for inter-object ... Implicitly shared classes are both safe and efficient when passed as ..... but when you send signals across threads you should remember that the slot might .... and emit , because these names will be used by a 3rd party library, e.g. Boost. A Deeper Look at Signals and Slots Dec 19, 2005 ... implementation in Qt, which has used signals and slots since its initial ..... Qt's Signals and Slots and Boost. .... thread-safe, can cross threads. An introduction to Boost Signals | Studio Freya
No, I haven't. Thanks for link. I work with Qt and I've wanted to implement something that not very bulk as Qt's signal/slot mechanism and I though what this one maybe will be useful for community. I've compared only with signals of boost library.
C++ signals and slots. vdk-signals is a type-safe and thread-safe signals-slots system for standard C++ designed with performance and simplicity in mind. It follows the main philosophy of the C++ language avoiding unnecessary overheads and superfluous functionality that can slow down your program. Chapter 67. Boost.Signals2 - Connections The corresponding slot was created and associated with the signal automatically. In Example 67.14, however, the smart pointer is associated with the slot by calling track(). Because the type of the slot depends on the signal, boost::signals2::signal provides a type slot_type to access the required type.
c++ c++17 - Use Boost.Signal instead of Qt's signals? Do ... But the biggest problem i faced was that boost::signals are not thread-safe whereas Qt's signal-slot is! So it was easy decision for me as my project was multithreaded. You can get the relative merits and de-merits of the approach taken by boost and Qt from Page-11 of this PDF. HTH GitHub - Kosta-Github/signals-cpp: Provide a very simple C++ ... signals-cpp . Provide a very simple header-only C++ interface for creating and managing signal-slot-connections in an easy and thread-safe manner. Introduction - Overview - The Boost C++ Libraries